Taking a Chance on Love


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A Message To All Readers!!
Chapter 13

Titans Offices
Next Day

"Mail call!" declared Connie, Titans' new secretary whom they had hired a couple weeks ago. She dumped an armload of envelopes on Tracy's desk.

"Thanks Connie...but in the future would you mind not throwing them all over my desk when I'm trying to write an important check?"

Connie hurried to clean up the envelopes, putting them in neat piles. "Whoa, 8 figures!"


"I'm sorry Mrs. Jacks...oh....do you want me to go buy you some new pens or somethin'? Or maybe a new coffee mug? Or hey, Starbucks has some great new blends...I could go get you some if ya want....then I could see Chad, that bug hunk who works the frappacino machine............"

Skye suppressed a laugh. Connie was a 15-year-old whom they had hired for the summer. Due to Titans' very important dealings, they wanted to hire someone young enough to not really understand nor care what was going on, so she couldn't accidentally leak anything...just someone to sort through the mail, answer the occasional phone call, or run to the store when they needed more pens or paper or coffee. Skye felt kind of bad for her, she seemed really enthusiastic and eager to do a good job, but Tracy....well, Tracy was Tracy, and she couldn't help but think that the overbearing boss frightened poor Connie.

"That's ok, hon....I think we'll be fine," she said.

"Aww, but I feel really bad.....maybe I could buy you all presents to make up for me bein' so....well, a pain in the butt." Connie looked down at the ground.

"Oh, no, Connie, you're not. And really there's no need to buy us any more presents, honestly! Although...I really do love this new purse you gave me!"

Connie's face brightened. "Really?"

"Really. There's so many little compartments, I can keep everything I need in it. I use it all the time!"

"Wow....I'm glad!"

Skye remembered Connie's first day. She seemed so nervous, her hand was even shaking as she poured the coffee. So much, in fact, that she spilled it all over Skye's beige purse. The poor child was near tears! Skye tried to assure her that it was ok--although she was a little miffed-- but to her surprise, Connie left and when she came back an hour later, she had a brand new purse for Skye! Skye was really touched by the girl's thoughtfulness.

"Go back to your phone, Connie." Tracy said. "If you miss a call, we could be ruined."

Connie's eyes got wide again. "Really?"

Skye smiled. "Don't worry about it, Connie. You're doing a great job." She winked, and Connie smiled back. The young girl returned to her desk outside the main office, and Skye sat down next to Jax.

"You did a great job with her," he said, putting his arm around her.

"Nah...I just can imagine how overwhelming Tracy must be for Connie....kind of like....oh, never mind..."

"What, you can tell me."

"Well, it was-" but then Skye was interrupted when she yawned a huge yawn. "Ooh, excuse me," she said before another yawn hit her.

"It's only 10:30 am, and you're ready for bed already?" Jax asked. "Well, if you insist-"

Skye giggled. "No, it's just....I had a really weird dream last night. Really weird."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I could hardly make out what was going on, but-"

"Damn it!"

Skye was cut off when Tracy let out a curse and threw her coffee mug across the room. It crashed into the wall and left a streak of coffee down the wall. Connie popped her head in nervously.

"Did I put in too much sugar? Cuz I usually like about 3-"

"Get out of here Connie!"

"I'm sorry!!!!"

"Tracy, what is it?" Jerry asked, approaching his wife cautiously.

"It's from Rossi & Co. in Venice....'We regret to inform you that the deal we previously discussed will no longer be possible. We have made a new investment with MC Inc and no longer have the need for another New York corporation. Perhaps in the future we can do business again'...yeah that's a crock of-"

"Corinthos beat us again?" AJ asked.

"This is not good," Courtney said, looking over a report. "That deal was expected to bring us in quite a bit of money, so we could buy out Chisolm Industries."

"Do you think I don't know that?!?" Tracy asked with a wild look in her eyes. Jerry put his arms on her shoulders and began to rub them.

"Babe, calm down, it will be ok." He kissed her cheek.

Tracy glared at everyone and huffed and puffed for a few moments, then sat down abruptly.

"Everyone back to work!" she growled, as she began to write something furiously.

No one said anything, and continued on with what they were doing. Skye saw Tracy whisper something to Jerry, then head over to her and Jax.

"Uh oh, here she comes."

"Skye, can I see you for a minute?"

Skye let go of Jax's hand and joined Tracy and Jerry.

"What is it?"

"Skye, Jerry and I are going on a trip to the Bahamas....we...I....I need to get away from this circus. I'm going to go crazy!"

"Uh, okay....if you think that's best, but what will we do while you're gone? You hold all our long-term plans, and-"

"That's where you come into play. You're the one I trust most in this nutjob corporation, oh, after Jerry of course," she said, leaning closer to her husband. He grinned.

"Here's a list of the next few companies I expect major deals from. I want you to hold onto this list, and see that things get done."

"OK," said Skye, happy that Tracy trusted her enough to give her their most top-secret plans. "I'll get it done, you won't be sorry."

"I better not be," Tracy said, and turned to head for the door. Just before she strode out the door that Jerry held open for her, she turned her head and said to the curious Titans members, "Try not to kill each other while I'm gone." With that, the Jackses were gone.

"She treats us like kids around here.....we're not stupid!" Courtney groaned.

"Hey, of course we're not. Especially not you," AJ said, giving her a quick kiss.

"No, Courtney's right," Carly said. "Who does she think she is?? Just because she has a few more percent then us doesn't mean she can push us around. She's a major-"

"Hey," Skye cut in, "Maybe you're right, she may be a slavedriver, but you have to admit, she knows how to get things done. Hopefully I can follow her lead while she's gone."

"She put you in charge?" Carly asked.

"Yes, and hopefully things can continue to run as smoothly as they are now."

"Smoothly?" retorted AJ. "We've been losing every major deal that we needed lately."

"Well....ok...hopefully I can pick things up again, then."

"I know you can do it," Jax said with a sweet smile. Skye smiled back.

"All right. Well, everybody back to work. Let's give Tracy something to actually, dare I say it...smile at when she gets back."

"That will be the day," AJ mumbled.
PC Grille

"Thanks for taking me out to lunch, Jax," Skye said.

"Hey, I just thought I should treat you, to congratulate you on your new position."

"Well, it's only temporary...no big deal."

"Might be, but I know you'll do great." He squeezed her hand lovingly but before he said anything more, the waitress came up to their table.

"Hello, my name is Becca Anne, and I'll be your server today-"

"Becca? Becca where are you?? Becca??"

Little Antoinette began to cry. Where is she?


"Shut up you brat!!!"

"Where is she?"

"I said shut up!"

An ashtray came whizzing by little Antoinette's head, missing her by an inch, only to crash into the wall.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. If only Becca was here...

"Skye?" Jax asked. "Are you ready to order?"


"Our specials today are the Chinese chicken salad, linguini in clam sauce, and the salmon filet."

Skye shook her head. She must have zoned out for a second...."Um, I'll have the chicken salad."

The waitress smiled. "Great. One Chinese chicken salad and one salmon filet coming right up."

"Are you okay?" Jax asked, concerned.

"Uh yeah, yeah....I guess I just got caught daydreaming." She added a laugh to get him to drop it. "I'm fine."


What was that, Skye thought to herself. It seemed so real, but what-

"So, any big plans while you're in charge?"

"Um...well...." Skye looked at the list Tracy gave her. "Maybe."

"Ahh, keeping it to yourself, good strategy."

"No, it's just that...I'm not sure if I really have any big ideas yet."

"Well whatever you come up with, I know you'll do well."

"I hope so....I just don't know how Sonny could have found out or two latest plans. I need to get to the bottom of it."

"Well, if you need any help, just let me know."

Just then, the waitress came with their food. While they ate they talked and laughed and had a great time. As they were leaving, Skye got an idea. She knew just how to figure out if there was a mole in the company, and who!