Taking a Chance on Love


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A Message To All Readers!!
Chapter 15

"Carly...hi....I need you to meet me at Kelly's at 10 am.....I have an important business deal to discuss with you....it's a private meeting, and I'd rather if you keep it to yourself....Thanks."

Skye smiled as she hung up the phone. One down, two to go. Next...

"Courtney, how are you?.....Listen, can you meet me at Kelly's at noon?....I have a new deal that I want to discuss with you...some pretty secret stuff, so I'd appreciate if you keep our meeting between you and I...thanks....see you then."

"Hi, AJ...can you meet me at Kelly's, around 2-ish? I have a deal I need to go over with you....ok, great...you might want to keep this to yourself, though, AJ, because this is really important business and we have to keep it under lock and key....alright, great. See you at 2."

Skye looked at her watch; just after 9:30. Pretty soon she'd find out who was betraying Titans...she already had a hypothesis in her mind, but she wanted to make sure. Well, this afternoon should prove to be very effective in figuring out where everyone's loyalties lie.

Just then, Jax came out of the shower, looking amazingly gorgeous in his navy bath robe. "Good morning," he said. "I would have asked you to join me, but you looked like you were pretty busy..."

Skye kissed him on the cheek. "That's okay, I'll take a rain check, if the offer still stands..."

Jax grinned. "You know it is."

"OK." She leaned in and gave him a longer kiss which he welcomed eagerly.

"But," she said, after a moment, "it will have to wait until tonight...I have some Titans business to take care of throughout the morning and afternoon."

"Aww....I'm sure it can wait...after all, we don't have any office meetings today."

"I know, but Tracy left me some instructions, and I don't want to let her down. Plus...my business this afternoon is definitely going to be extremely beneficial, I promise."

"Care to fill me in?"

"Well....let's just say that after today, the leaks in our company should be plugged up."

"You sound like a character in a James Bond movie," Jax joked. "Should I be worried?"

Skye giggled. "No, no, it's nothing like that...I'm just going to do a little detective work."

"All right," Jax said. "Need any help?"

"As tempting as that may be, I think I want to do this on my own...I want to prove to Tracy that she made the right decision in handing the company's main responsbilities to me."

"Okay. Well, I'll be here, going over some non-Titans files....just call me if you need a hand....or anything else."

Skye gave him another quick kiss. "I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Jacks. But, I better get going, I have a meeting in a few minutes." She headed for the door, but stopped. "Oh shoot, I almost forgot my purse...Jax, have you seen it? You know, the one Connie gave me?"

Jax shook his head no. The two searched throughout the penthouse and finally found it under Jax's pinball machine. How did it get there, Skye wondered, and chuckled to herself.

"Thanks Jax," she said, giving him one last peck on the cheek before she hurried out the door. Jax laughed to himself as he watched her scurry to the elevator. She certainly knew what she was doing, and when Skye Chandler Quartermaine was on a mission, everybody watch out!


10:00 am

"Thanks for meeting me, Carly," Skye said as the two sat down at an outside table.

"Yeah, yeah, so what's this about?" Carly asked impatiently. She had a lunch date with Zander at 11:45 and she wanted to concentrate on that on her day off, not business.

"Well, Carly, Tracy left me some deals she'd like to be made while she and Jerry are away...and I want to put you in charge of one of them."

Carly's brows furrowed. Skye trusting her seemed a little suspicious. "Why me?"

Skye felt a teeny tiny twinge of guilt. It was true that she didn't like this woman at all, but she remembered how Carly had let AJ see Michael yesterday...that had meant the world to her brother. And now she was setting her up for a fall....maybe she shouldn't do this.

"Hello?!?!" Carly said impatiently, snapping her fingers in front of Skye's face. "I don't have all day here."

"I, uh, sorry....I just...before we talk business I want to thank you again for letting AJ see Michael yesterday."

"Yeah, well, don't expect it to ever happen again. I hired a new babysitter, so AJ won't get any opportunities to get his grimy hands on my son again."

Skye's jaw dropped a bit. So much for the sympathy. "Well....." Still, she felt a little bad for doing this...after all, the two were slowly but surely moving past the point of being enemies...no, they weren't friends, but they weren't trying to kill each other anymore. But, Skye told herself...if this test proves Carly to be innocent, then things will be even better, knowing she can trust her. But, if Carly is revealed as the mole, well, then...that will show everyone her true colours, and they can kick her snobby butt out of the company. So, Skye supposed, either way it would be for the best.

"Yes, well anyways...Tracy wants Titans to buy Robertson-Michaels. It's a very top-secret deal. We've obviously been having some problems with our foreign deals lately, thanks to Sonny...."

"Yeah, Sonny trying to show who's boss, what else is new." Carly cut in.

"Right. And we want to show him that he is not running the show here, we are. But to do that, no one can know about our latest plans- no one. In fact, you are the only one in the company I'm telling about this deal, to ensure that the plans don't fall into the wrong hands."

"Let me get this straight, you're choosing me, the person you probably like least out of everyone, to handle an important, secret deal?"

Skye cleared her throat. "Well, Carly, I thought I'd give you a shot, okay? Why look a gift horse in the mouth?"

"Yeah, well don't do me any favours." Carly spat.

Skye rolled her eyes. "Carly....I just thought you'd be good for this deal, but if you don't want to do it, fine..I'll just tell Tracy you aren't open to new ideas."

"Yeah, you would. Fine, I'll do it. But not because I'm scared of Tracy, or you."

"Of course not."

Skye outlined the deal to Carly, telling her all she needed to know.

"Our asking price is $5 million."

"Got it."

"Great. Good luck."

"Yeah yeah. Well I have to meet Zander in a while, so I have to run. See ya."

Before Skye could even respond, Carly was out of there. Skye shook her head; what a piece of work.
12:00 pm

"Hi, Courtney, how are you?" Skye asked as Courtney sat down at her table.

"Hi, Skye, pretty good thanks. You?"

"Oh, I'm all right. Thanks for coming."

"Yeah, no problem...but what's all this secrecy about?"

"Well Courtney, as you know, your brother has been catching wind of a lot of our latest deals-"

Courtney's eyes widened. "You don't think I have anything to do with it, do you?"

Skye winced. Now she really felt guilty. Well, she told herself, clearing Courtney's name should be easy, then, and it would bring her a great sense of relief. This was all for the best.

"No, no, not at all. This is about a deal that Tracy left for me...and since I have quite a bit of work to do, I thought I'd ask you to do it."

"Me? Really?"

"Yes. I know you're relatively new to the business world, so I thought I'd give you a shot to show your stuff, on your own."

Courtney grinned. "Okay. I'll do my best!"

"This is a totally top-secret deal, no one can know about it."

Courtney's expression became serious. "Not even the other Titans members?"

Skye shook her head. "The less people that know about this, the better. We can't take any chances at all that Sonny will somehow find out, and MC Inc. will get to it first."

Courtney nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

"I want you to try to buy Northstar Limited. They're a small company in Belgium. Call this number," she said, handing her a piece of paper, "and ask for Hank Harwood. Offer $1.5 million."

Courtney wrote all the information down under the phone number. "Got it."

"Great, thanks Courtney. I know I can count on you."

As Courtney left, Skye knew she had made the right choice. Not only would it prove that Courtney was loyal, but she had a feeling that Courtney would get the sale. She had a great deal of sincerity mixed with a whole lot of smarts and savvy; with any luck, Northstar would belong to Titans in no time.


2:00 pm

"Hey, Sis," AJ said, giving Skye a hug.

"Hi AJ, she replied, as they Sibs sat down.

"What's all this about?" AJ asked. "Cooking up a new scheme?"

"Now, AJ, what would ever make you say that?" Skye said with a grin. "But, no, actually this has to do with Titans. I need you to do something for me."

AJ pulled his chair closer and leaned forward. "I'm listening."

"When Tracy left, she gave me a list of a few companies that she wanted us to try to buy. I want you to go after Datacom."

"Just me?"

"Yeah, just you. Sonny's been finding out, God-knows-how, about all of our big potential deals lately, and getting to them first. I have to keep my list top-secret, and so I'm only telling you about the Datacom deal."

"Okay...sounds like a smart move."

"I think so. So, are you up to it?"

"Definitely. Anything to get one up on Corinthos."

"Great," Skye replied. Just like with Courtney, she knew that this test of loyalty would prove AJ to be innocent. And he'd definitely get the deal for Titans in the process!

"Here's the name and numbers that you need."

"Thanks. Asking price?"

"$7 million."

"Okay. I won't let you down, Sis."

"There's no doubt in my mind."

AJ left, and Skye took a final sip of her coffee. Mission accomplished. She grabbed her purse and headed for home. With any luck, Jax would still be there.


Late that night

Skye lay in bed, replaying the evening's events. After successfully running the loyalty tests, she had come home to her man, who had surprised her with a picnic by the lake. They ate and then danced under the stars for hours before coming home. Skye sighed; a perfect night. She glanced at the man she loved, who was already asleep. Not fair, she thought, that man can fall asleep in 2 seconds flat. She, on the other hand, could toss and turn for hours...and then there were the dreams. She still couldn't figure them out...but she tried to push the thoughts out of her mind as she snuggled closer to Jax and closed her eyes...

"Antoinette, don't cry. Please, don't cry."

"I'm sorry Becca...I just miss him."

"I know, I know....." Becca gave the sobbing little girl a big hug. Adam Chandler had been gone for over a week now, but Antoinette still couldn't stop crying. At five and a half, she couldn't comprehend all that had happened. Thank goodness she had Becca to comfort her; Althea never offered a shoulder to cry on, quite the contrary.

"I know you miss him, Antoinette, but things will be okay, I promise."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you miss him?"

"Well, Antoinette.....he never liked me, you know, because I was-"

"No, I don't mean my daddy. I mean your daddy. Don't you miss him?"

"No." Becca said curtly.


"I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Antoinette....but really, if I never saw him again, which I probably won't....I wouldn't care."


"So," Becca said, obviously looking to change the subject, "do you want to watch Care Bears?"

"OK!!!!" Antoinette said. That was one of her favourites. "Thanks Becca. You're my best friend."

"You're mine too."


Skye woke up with a start. She looked over at Jax; still sleeping peacefully. Damn it, she thought, she really needed someone to talk to. But he looked so serene, she didn't want to wake him. Then she got an idea. She quietly got up and went to the desk, and pulled a notebook out of the drawer. She would write down everything she could remember about her odd dreams. Then, maybe by looking at it all drawn out in black and white, she could make some sense of it. She still had no recollction of any Becca...and it didn't help that in her dreams she could only hear the voice, she couldn't see the face. She began to jot things down. Before long, she began to feel sleepy again, so she tucked the notebook under her pillow and closed her eyes. She needed to get some sleep, because in the morning she would undoubtedly get some phone calls regarding the three deals she had assigned to Carly, Courtney, and AJ. She knew she would find out who the mole was, although she seemed to have already figured it out, and she wanted to have a clear head when it came to dealing with the traitor. She desperately tried to push out any thoughts or worries....


Antoinette waited. She wasn't supposed to answer the door, she was too little. She didn't know where Becca was, though, and Althea was up in her room sleeping. She said she had a bad headache. Antoinette didn't know what to do.

The door rang again.

"Answer the damn door! I'm trying to sleep!" yelled Althea's voice from upstairs. Antoinette shrugged her shoulders. Well, if that's what she wanted her to do...

She opened the door to find a man she had never seen before. She stared at him. He had long, scraggly hair in a ponytail, dark stubble above his lips and on his chin, faded jeans, and a denim shirt with the sleeves torn out, revealing several tattoos.

"Hey there." he said. "Are you Becca?"

"No, I'm Antoinette Chandler! I'm almost six, you know."

"Oh boy!" he said, chuckling. "Do you know where I can find Becca?"

"Ummm.....I think she's upstairs, I'll go get her if you want."

"That would be great," he said, still giggling. Antoinette noticed a bottle in his hand. The same kind that Althea had strewn throughout the house.

"Um...who are you?"

"I'm a friend of Becca's, and your mommy's," he said.

"Do you want me to get my mommy?"

"NO!...I mean, uh, no, it's okay. This is sort of a, umm...kinda surprise, I guess. Yeah."

"Oh," Antoinette said, her eyes widening. She loved surprises. "Okay."

"Just get Becca for me, okay?"

"Is she gonna be surprised to see you too?"

"Oh," the man said, grinning, "definitely."

"Okay," said Antoinette. She hopped up the stairs and knocked on Becca's door. Becca opened it.

"Your friend is here."

"Which one?"

"I don't know. Let's go find out!!"

Becca shrugged. "Okay." The two were making their way downstairs when Althea's shrill voice rang out. "Antoinette!!!!! Get me another pillow!"

"Go ahead," Becca said. Antoinette nodded. She headed to her room to get one of her pillows as Becca went downstairs to see who was at the door.

A few minutes later, Antoinette went to the front hall to see how the surprise was going. But the surprise was on her- Becca and the man were gone!!!


Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

Just like me
They long to be
Close to you

Next day

"Morning!" Jax said, handing Skye a cup of coffee.

Skye took a sip, then snapped to attention. "What time is it?"

"11:00. Welcome to the world."

"Oh, damn it!! I was waiting for some important phone calls!"

"Oh," Jax said, his smile disappearing. "Well, they all came in, but you were finally sleeping peacefully...after all the tossing and turning I saw you do early this morning, I didn't want to disturb you. So, I took the calls."


"Well....I don't think you're going to like it."

Here it comes, she thought. "Just tell me."

"Titans didn't get the Robertson-Michaels deal. Seems they signed with MC Inc. for $6 million."

Gotcha Carly!, she thought.

"Well," she began, "then it seems-"

"Wait." Jax cut in. "There's more." Skye looked puzzled.

"Northstar also called. They turned down our offer; again, MC Inc. beat us to it. $2 million."

Skye was stunned. Courtney too???


"There's more????!!!!" Skye asked increduously. Oh no...

"Datacom signed with MC Inc. for $8.5 million."

Skye almost spit out her coffee. What the hell is going on here???